Seahawks Punter Says He Attended University Of Vagina? (Video)

Seahawks Fake Field Goal

On Sunday afternoon, the New England Patriots and Seattle Seahawks gave us one of the best Super Bowl’s in recent memory. Seattle punter Jon Ryan also gave us one of the most odd introductions we’ve ever seen.

As NBC played their clip of players introducing themselves, Ryan appeared on screen and like everybody else before him, stated his name and his alma mater. Only problem? He apparently had a bit of cotton mouth because it sure sounded like he said he attended the ‘University of Vagina’.

Seriously, give it a listen:

After listening a few times you can hear (kind of) that he was actually saying ‘University of Regina’, a Canadian school but at first it certainly sounds as if the Seahawks punter said ‘University of Vagina’.

Had that actually been the case, that might have been one of the best troll jobs in modern history, but alas, it was simply a case of Ryan not fully enunciating his former stomping grounds.

The craziest part here is NBC would obviously go over these player introductions before airing them. Was there nobody on the staff that went, “hmm, that sounded a bit like he said vagina?”

Apparently not, though Jon Ryan’s unique way of describing his school only added to the awesomeness of the game.

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Written by Frank White

I've written on a lot of your favorite websites while I live in my mother's basement. If you only knew what a hard time I'm having holding these alligators down. Woo. | Twitter: @GuyHut | FB: @GuyHutSports